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Customer service is the provision of support on products or services that have already been sold to existing clients or providing information on products to new clients.
An agreement of sale constitutes the terms and conditions of sale of a property by the seller to the buyer. These terms and conditions include the amount at which it is to be sold and the future date of full payment.
Read MoreSell a property When the owner died the family sold the property.A business investment residential property retail property.Land considered as things to be bought and sold.They made their money in property.
Read MoreA property sale agreement (“Agreement”) is an agreement to sell property at a future date (closing date) under certain terms. This Agreement determines the obligations of both parties in order for the sale to occur on closing date.
Read MoreThe relationship between a landlord and a tenant should be cooperative, not adversarial. Much like a shopkeeper and his customer, a landlord and his tenant want to establish a long term mutually beneficial relationship.
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